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A M B U S H  M A G  2 0 0 0   -   V O L U M E  1 5   -   I S S U E  11

Bourbon St. Favorite Stephanie Williams

by Forbidden Fruit, New Orleans, Louisiana

It's one o'clock in the morning after the last show at Some Like It Hot, one of New Orleans' premiere show bars. We are sitting in the dressing room with Stephanie Williams, illusionist, entertainer, and emcee of Calandar Boy at Oz . Stephanie's illusions of Marilyn Monroe and Dolly Parton are a favorite on Bourbon Street. Her humor and candid views on life are the reason we chose Stephanie as a subject for our interview. StephaniePresent and accounted for in the room are Reba Douglas, Lisa Beaumann, and Teryl-Lynn Foxx - the Forbidden Fruit.

FF(Forbidden Fruit): Stephanie, would you like another drink, before we begin?

S (Stephanie):Y'all are going to be hateful aren't y'all.

FF: Everything you say will be used in the article, including that.

S: I know how you are.

FF: Who are your role models?

S: Lisa Beaumann, she's put up with a lot of crap from me and we've been through a lot of crap together, and of course, Teryl-Lynn Foxx. I've cursed the bitch out like you wouldn't believe. When she likes you, she lets you know, when she doesn't, she let's you know.

FF: Why do you want to be a contestant in a pageant system where large girls usually don't win?

S: The Miss Gay America System? The theme behind that system is 'Strive for Excellence' and until they see that you are excellent in their eyes they won't let you win. They might think thin is better than heavy, but I know they are noticing me.

FF: Do you think there will ever be a Miss America at Large?

S: They've been talking about it for awhile. I think they need it. There are queens out there like myself that do not do hormones and I think there should be a system out there for us.

FF: Is it true that with the America System hormones are not allowed and silicone is only allowed in the face?

S: You have to be off hormones for six months.

FF: What brought you to New Orleans?

S: Lisa Beaumann. She gave me a job in her show.

FF: How many porn stars have you fluffed before their show at OZ?

S: Almost everyone. (long pause) What, no prostitution questions?

FF: We know you are honest and frank, and you have a 'don't care attitude.' Do you think that keeps you from winning titles?

S: Yes.

FF: How did you meet your husband?

S: From my ad as a dominatrix.

(knock on dressing room door)

Waitress: This man wants to know where you are going to meet him at.

S: Meet me at the Round-up. Tell him I'm out of drag.

FF: Let's play a game.

(Stephanie laughs) S: You want another meat-ball.

FF: We are going to play word association. We say a word and you tell us the first thing is that comes to mind.

FF: Mona Lisa S: Pizza

FF: Olive Garden S: Sex

FF: Diet S: Stephanie

FF: Milkshake S: Brad Pitt

FF: Gloryhole S: Bookstore

FF: Bathouse S: Toulouse

FF: Bookstore S: Big Dick

FF: Perfume S: Boobie

FF: Horseshit S: (laughs) MB

FF: House S: Whore

FF: Trailer S: Park

FF: Clean S: Raquel

FF: Dirty S: Ursuline

FF: Reba Mcintire S: Reba Douglas

FF: Celine Dion S: Raquel

FF: Dildo S: Florida

FF: Dick S: Chad

FF: Pageant S: America

FF: Rigged S: Miss Bridge Corner Pub

FF: Kiss-ass S: Raquel (long pause, growls) Raquel

FF: Fat S: Donna

FF: Aneorexic S: Dead

FF: Ambush S: Wonderful [because this column is printed in it]

FF: Impact S: All right [because this interview is not printed in it]

FF: Pretty hair S: Lisa Beaumann

FF: Ugly Hair S: Reba Douglas

FF: Pretty face S: (snaps finger) Oh God, I can't even think.

FF: Pretty face S: D.L. (a sudden scream in the room)

FF: Illusionist S: Teryl-Lynn Foxx

FF: Non-illusionist S: Raquel

FF: Forbidden Fruit S: Wonderful [Because we are here conducting the interview]

FF: Profiles S: All right [Because they are not conducting the interview]

FF: Ms. Fly S: Darling

FF: Miss Do S: Wonderful

FF: Calendar boy S: fabulous

FF: Porn Star S: Big dick

FF: Drive S: Boring

FF: Cruise S: Park

FF: Pre-record S: Lisa Beaumann

FF: Non-prepared S: Most of the time myself.

FF: Does anyone have anymore words?

S: Y'all are hateful. (long pause, laughs) I can't think of anything to say.

FF: Is there anything else you would like to say?

S: You can't always judge a book by it's cover, you have to judge a person by their insides, not their looks.

FF: Shall we stop recording? I think we've done enough for the night.

The Next Day-(After a drunken night, the phone rings)

Lisa Beaumann: So Stephanie, what did you do last night?

S: A lot of cocktails and a lot of carrying on at Rawhide.

LB: Do you want to change anything in your article?

S: Why should I? Did I say anything bad?

LB: Well Teryl-Lynn just called and we were a little concerned about your comments about our co-workers.

S: I said nice things too, even if I've been called a fat, untalented bitch. But at least I have a luscious pair of lips and a nice paint job. I love all my friends, even though I fight with them now and then. They are all GOOD PEOPLE, because I believe in calling a QUEEN A QUEEN. A very important person once said, IT'S NOT THE CROWN ON YOUR HEAD, IT'S THE CROWN IN YOUR HEART.

LB: I have to go to a meeting.

S: Yeah, I have to go too. I need to get some ASS-PERIN.

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