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Volume 15/Issue 26

Dear Ambush Magazine Staff,
On behalf of the Krewe of Petronius, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your contributions toward our "Cake Walk" fund-raiser Oct. 19, 1997. Through your efforts we had a very successful function which we plan to continue on an annual basis.

Through your efforts the Krewe of Petronius has been able to help serve the New Orleans community through this function which benefited the United Services for AIDS Foundation.

Once again, we wish to give you a bit Thank You for your generous efforts and look forward to working with you in future endeavors. Sincerely,
--Joseph Brooks, Secretary

Rip & Marsha,
Thanks so much for your gift to the scholarship. Together we raised over $2,700! Tony would be thrilled. Let's hope 98 is a peaceful, prosperous and progressive year for us all! Cheers!
--Robert Udick

Dear Rip,
Thank you for your gift in honor of the Dr. Robert Udick's 40th birthday to the Tony Martin Guerrero Memorial PFLAG Scholarship Fund.

The Board of Trustees of the Greater New Orleans Foundation is grateful for your support which enriches the quality of life in our community. Acknowledgement of your gift has been sent.
--Gregory Ben Johnson, Executive Director

Dear Rip & Marsha,
Thanks for coverage of the Balog hate-crimes-pen story.
--Leonard Earl Johnson

Dear Rip,
During this time of year we often hear the phrase, "Home for the Holidays". For most of us, this usually means that we will be spending time with family and friends in cherished places, reflecting on the year that has passed and anticipating what awaits us in the coming year. And we may possibly take for granted the fact that we have a "home" for the holidays.

That is why this thank you is so heartfelt and your generosity so deeply appreciated.

Your donation to this year's silent auction enabled our Thursday night event to contribute over $42,000 to the $275,000 raised by Halloween XIV. (The cumulative donation to Project Lazarus is now over $1.3 million.) The monies generated by the annual Halloween weekend events-sponsored and underwritten by caring hosts and donors like you-now account for over one fourth of Project Lazarus' annual operating expenses.

Be proud in knowing that your contribution ensures that the residents of Project Lazarus have a home not only for the holidays, but also throughout the year. We are grateful to have the ongoing support of friends like you, and hope that we may have the opportunity to ask for your assistance next year in making Halloween XV another successful weekend....

On behalf of the hosts of Halloween XIV, the residents, volunteers and staff of Project Lazarus, best wishes for the holidays and throughout the coming year. Sincerely,
--Jim Melancon, The Halloween XIV Silent Auction Committee

Dear Rip,
We've got trouble right here in River City and it starts with T and that stands for TIX...WTIX, 740AM.

Gimme a break! I believe in free speech for everyone, whether I agree with them or not. But sometimes the envelope is pushed to the extreme and WTIX is EXTREME!

Does the name Robert Namer ring a bell? Flash back just a few weeks when a "pipsqueak" was shouting to anyone who would listen that he was a "special advisor to the Govenor" [sic] when arrested by security guards in the state capitol for refusing to allow guards to see if he was carrying a weapon in his ankle holster.

That's our Bob! That's Robert Namer! Good old Bob who has all the answers when it comes to local, state or national politics. According to this refugee from intelligence, everything wrong with our state and nation stems from the "Socialist, Liberal Democrats."

According to pissant Namer (and pissant is Namer's favorite term for someone he disagrees with) the Democrats have sold our nation down the river through corruption and appealing to special interest[s].

How dare he talk about corruption when "Good Little Marine Ollie North" tread on our constitution and revoked his obligation to follow it as he swore in his oath, or when "Tricky Dick" though he was an Emperor. And is there any more of a special interest group than the so-called Christian Right?

I'll probably join Namer's ranks of pissants after he hears of this letter. If so, I will be in extremely good company. As General Manager of WTIX, Namer sets the editorial policy of the station. By doing so we are allowed insight into his so-called mind.

Let's look at the people he surrounds himself with and whose programs fulfill his policy: Keith Rush, Ron Hunter, Jerry Ladner and G. Gordon Liddy, experts all in the practice of Joseph Geobbels [sic] art of propaganda...SAY IT LONG ENOUGH AND LOUD ENOUGH AND IT BECOMES THE TRUTH.

Who are these purveyors of "Truth?"

Keith Rush has been called the talk show host who was the inspiration for the book and movie WUSA. He claims to be the person who found ELVIS and discovered most of the talent on the classic radio show, LOUISIANA HAY RIDE.

Rush also, incidently, gave KKK Klown David Duke his first voice on radio. On his show on WSMB in the 70s the opposition to our march on Anita Bryant was organized. Listeners to his show formed the prayer group who stood guard at the Municipal Auditorium while Gays and Lesbians march[ed] by.

Eight people prayed in response to his show. We marched by in the 1000s.

And then there is Ron Hunter, whose claim to fame came as a TV reporter and as the man who somehow managed to sleep through his wive's [sic] death by gunshot in his own bed. Now he has organized what he calls The Bounty Hunters, and, amongst other things, has singlehandedly solved the JFK assassination AND the Jon Benet Ramsey murder case. Also he periodically gives air time to a group called The League of The South, which smacks of KKK leanings to me.

Jerry Ladner appears to be a semi-literate store owner from Bay Saint Louis.

We all know G. Gordon Liddy, that outstanding champion of justice, truth and the American Way who came to fame by becoming infamous through Watergate. According to this man whose expertise runs the gamit [sic] from marital affairs to international affairs, Global Warming is NOT happening, and recycling is oft times a fraud.

So what do these people have to do with our community? Here recent sampling of some of their oppinions [sic] related to our Gay and Lesbian world:
"Artificial insemination is what Lesbians do. They take a turkey baster and sperm and get a little Lesbian." G. Gordon Liddy. "I think we have the right to know when Homosexuals are our doctors, cooks, etc. They endanger us...because of HIV." Robert Namer.

"Sexual mixing in the Armed Forces can only work when all the women are Lesbians and all the men are Homosexuals." Keith Rush. "I call them QUEERS. That['s] all they are! QUEERS!" Jerry Ladner.

What a friend we have in WTIX!

Namer brags that his listeners support sponsors who support the station. He has every right to do what he is doing. And WE HAVE THE RIGHT to PROTEST to his sponsors and his station about his bias, bigotry and untruths. We can also protest to the FCC about his and his station's bigotry.

WTIX's liscence [sic] is by the will of the FCC..and the people. DO NOT call and harass the station! That is against FCC regulations. You CAN call and protest, but be courteous.

Namer's hold on the station, as advocate of his extreme views, has been reinforced by the station's recent acquisition of rights to sports events that have helped stem recent financial troubles. Yeah, we've got trouble right here in River City, but it's from pissants like Robert Namer and his ilk. The struggle has not been won. The struggle has just begun.
--Roger Nelson

[Letters and Comments should be sent to Ambush Letters, 828-A Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116-3137
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